YAG: Your Acronyms Guide

ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder

ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ARFID: Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

ARND: Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder

ASC: Autism Spectrum Condition

CAMHS: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

CP: Cerebral Palsy

CCG: Clinical Commissioning Groups

CYP: Children & Young People

CHAT: Children's Help & Advice Team

DSCO: Designated Social Care Officer

EHCP: Education, Health & Care Plan

EP: Educational Psychologist

EOTAS: Education Other Than At School

EYFS: Early Years Foundation Stage

FASD Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

FAST: Family Advice & Support Team

GDD: Global Developmental Delay

HI: Hearing Impairment

IEP: Individual Education Plan

LA: Local Authority

LOL: Local Offer Live

MDT: Multi-disciplinary Team

MHST: Mental Health Support Team

MHST: Mental Health in Schools Team

MLD: Moderate Learning Difficulty

MSI: Multi-Sensory Impairment

NAS: National Autistic Society

OT: Occupational Therapy/Therapist

PA: Personal Assistant

PD: Physical Disability

PDA: Pathological Demand Avoidance

PFA: Preparation for Adulthood

PMLD: Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties

PR: Parental Responsibility

PT: Physiotherapy/Physiotherapist

SALT/SLT: Speech and Language Therapy/Therapist

SEN: Special Educational Needs

SEND: Special Educational Need and Disabilities

SSP: Sen Support Plan

SENDCo: Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator

SENDIST: Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunals

SLCN: Speed, Language & Communication Needs

SLD: Severe Learning Difficulties

SpLD: Specific Learning Difficulties

SWAN: Syndrome Without a Name 

TA: Teaching Assistant

TATS: Teams Around The School

VI: Visual Impairment


Sefton Local Offer

If children and young people age 0-25yrs have special educational needs and / or a disability (SEND), Sefton’s Local Offer website will provide them, their families and professionals with accessible information about services and support available locally.


The information, advice and support service can provide support for parents and young people in arranging and attending meetings as well as offering advocacy support. The service is confidential and free for young people aged 0-25 and their parents. It is impartial and provided at arm’s length from the local authority and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).

Sefton Carers Centre

Sefton Carers Centre provides free advice and guidance, emotional and practical support, training and a range of holistic therapies for unpaid carers living in Sefton. We offer free training courses and regular activities for all carers registered at the centre.

Aiming High

Aiming High for Disabled Children is there to make sure disabled children, young people and their families have the same access to fun, fulfilling activities and life chances as those without disabilities.


Disabled people – GOV.UK

Benefits and financial help. – Disability rights under the Equality Act 2010. – Disability equipment and transport. – Work and disabled people. Includes recruitment and disabled people, reasonable adjustments


Our Mission is to listen to families that include children with brain conditions. We use what they tell us to inspire the best research and innovation. then we help them put the knowledge into practice so they can discover a better life together.

Carers and disability benefits – GOV.UK

Help for disabilities including Personal Independence Payment, Carer’s Allowance and Disability Living Allowance etc.


We are Contact, the charity for families with disabled children. We support families, bring families together and help families take action for others.

Council For Disabled Children

We work collaboratively, from policy into practice, to ensure the best outcomes for children and young people.


We help children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities across England get the appropriate education, training and support which they are entitled to under the law.

Council for Disabled Children Young People’s Page

The advisers at Information, Advice and Support Services are friendly and will always do their best to help. There are lots of different ways to talk to them.

Epilepsy Society

We are Epilepsy Society. The UK’s leading charity for epilepsy research and support We set out to make a difference to every person affected by epilepsy whatever their background, however seriously it affects them, and whether they have the condition themselves or are close to someone with epilepsy.

ADHD Foundation

The ADHD Foundation works in partnership with individuals, families, doctors, teachers and other agencies to improving emotional well being, educational attainment, behaviour and life chances through better understanding and self management of ADHD, ASD and related learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, Irlen’s Syndrome, dyscalculia and Tourette’s Syndrome.

National Autistic Society

Are the UK’s largest provider of specialist autism services. Our trained staff and volunteers bring passion and expertise to the lives of 100,000 autistic people every year. You’ll find services directed towards autistic people, parents and carers and professionals.

Down’s Syndrome Association

Here you will find answers to questions that we are often asked about Down’s syndrome. This information will help you to separate the facts from some common misconceptions. If you do not find what you are looking for ring our helpline and speak to one of our specialist advisors. You can also learn about the ongoing work of the Down’s Syndrome Association.


We’re here to improve the lives of people with a learning disability and their families now, and fight alongside them for a better future. We team up with our network of over 400 local groups to reach people across England, Northern Ireland and Wales.

Disabled Go

On our website you’ll find detailed access information to thousands of venues across the UK and the Republic of Ireland: shops, pubs, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, railway stations, hotels, universities, hospitals and more. Established over 14 years ago, our mission is to maximise independence and choice for disabled people in accessing their local area and the places we all want to visit.

Autism Initiatives

In a variety of locations throughout the UK and Ireland we offer a wide range of support for autistic people. From supported living to schools, from a short break service to one stop shops, from work placements to training, clubs and activities, Autism Initiatives has a wealth of resources and expertise that support autistic people to achieve their personal goals.


We design and custom-make equipment to help disabled people live more independent lives. This includes mobility, help in the home, managing personal care, enjoying sports and hobbies and much more. All our work is carried out and checked by expert engineers, carpenters, technicians and occupational therapists. Our help is provided free of charge because we are a charity. We are passionate about helping disabled people to become more independent and enjoy the things they want to do. Last year we helped over 3,000 people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and all the equipment we made was given free of charge.


Preparing for Adulthood Guide 

The guide is aimed at young people with SEND who are approaching their latter school years, it gives information on the preparing-for-adulthood process, what to expect, what they should be considering at each stage and who to contact for support and information.

Parents and carers can also use the guide to find more information about the future options for young people in their care.

Topics covered in the guide include further education, training and employment, independent living, healthy lifestyle choices and how to participate in our communities.

The guide has been co-produced with staff from Sefton Council, Buddy Up, Health and Sefton Carers Centre in partnership with young people and the Sefton Parent Carer Forum.

Sefton and NHS - Compliments, Complaints, Disputes and Disagreements

Each organisation involved in meeting a child or Young Person’s Special Educational Needs will have its own complaints procedure.

The information below gives some guidance on how different organisations deal with complaints.

Adult Social Care 

Children’s Social Care

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Team 

Other Local Authority Services 

Nurseries, Schools and Colleges 


You can contact Sefton Council Customer Response Team via the details below:

Local Authority Complaints Officer

Sefton Council Customer Response Team

Children’s Complaints Officer

2nd Floor, Magdalen House

L20 3NJ

complete their online form  

Tel:0345 140 0845 

Guidance to Accessing Services for Children with Disabilities

Sefton expects that all children and their families should have the same range of opportunities, regardless of ability.

We want children with disabilities to be included in all services, and for families to be able to access services without advice and agreement from a professional, which can take time.

Services that do not require professional involvement are known as ‘universal’ and ‘targeted’ support and should be the first option for all families of children with disabilities.

If a child has needs that means they cannot use these services, the Local Authority can help provide additional specialist support.

A guidance has been developed to help parents & carers to understand how to access services for children with disabilities and the criteria used for an assessment for services.

This guidance explains

  • different levels of support available
  • the first steps to take when you feel you need support
  • how to access services at all levels

Please click here to view the Guidance for Accessing Services for Disabled Children Document.

Joint Commissioning Sefton Council and NHS Cheshire and Merseyside

Click here to view the Joint Commissioning Strategy document 2023 -2026

Click here to view Children and Young People’s Plan 2020-25