Sefton Parent Carer Forum
We work with Sefton Local Authority, Education settings, Cheshire and Merseyside ICB and NHS, Social Care and other service providers to ensure that the services they plan and deliver, meet the needs of children and young people, aged 0-25 years with SEND. We do this through consultation and co-production.
Education, Health and Care Plans
Health Services
SEN Support & Inclusion
SEND Reforms
Educational Transitions
Personal Budgets
Preparing For Adulthood
Local Offer
Community groups and Voluntary Service Partners
Come and Chat coffee mornings at our Shared Space in Bootle, every Monday and Friday, term time. Also in Linaker Family Wellbeing Hub in Southport, on a Monday, Bi-weekly. These are 9:30-11:30, we try to have a guest speaker once a week, from any Sefton service, for parent carers to ask questions, find out information and give their lived experiences.
Tea and Talk coffee mornings , we are regularly invited to primary and secondary school acrooss Sefton, we attend their coffee mornings and chat to the parent carers about what we do, offer any signposting we can and offer advice and support.
Marketplace events in schools and other locations across Sefton. We are regularly invited by the Team Around The School, Mental Health Supprt Teams, and SENCOS, to host a table and chat to parent carers about what we do. We try to have as many information sheets available as possible, we give out our pads and pens, and we always have sweets!
Workshops and training - we try to book as many sessions per year as we can, we are always looking for new training ideas that parent carers would like us offer and are always open to ideas. Examples of what we have offered in the past year are Sleep Support, Non Violent Resistance, Kooth, Mental Health First Aid, and Mind and Body Protection.
Social Media - you can find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. On Facebook we have a private page which is just for parent carers, this is a great platform to ask questions and talk about any difficulties, and get support from others who won't judge you and understand. We also offer a public Facebook page where professionals are invited to follow and post, and parent carers are able to get information and upcoming events direct from the source.