Children and Young People Plan - Public Survey

Posted 18/02/2024

Children and Young People Plan Consultation.

We would like your ideas about how you think we can better support children and young people in Sefton. 

What is the Children and Young People Plan?

It is a plan for all children and young people and their families. The plan says how we aim to improve the health and wellbeing of all our children and young
people living in Sefton. We have a plan from 2020 – 2025, but the following things are affecting children and young people, which means we want to update it now:

• OFSTED (the Government department that inspects standards for Education, Children Services and Skills), said that Sefton Council needs to improve.
• The Covid-19 pandemic has affected children’s mental health, and some children are lonely.
• The cost-of-living crisis is affecting mental health and the cost of living such as food and rent etc. Brexit (when the UK voted to leave the European Union) has affected employment and training opportunities for young people. We will keep the themes we already have:
• Heard.
• Happy.
• Healthy.
• Achieving.
We think there should be an extra theme of Safe.

We think there are 7 important areas we need to focus on:
1. Involving children and young people in the decisions we make about them.
2. Stronger families and communities.
3. Making sure children are safe and protected.
4. Getting the most out of life through play, hobbies, culture, and sporting activities.
5. Equal opportunities for all children and young people.
6. Helping families to be healthy.
7. All children and young people have hopes and can achieve what they want to achieve. 

The updated plan will start from 2024 –2027.

We are asking questions about the important areas and what is important for children, young people, and families.

The consultation starts on Monday 12th February 2024 and ends on Friday 22nd March 2024.
You can complete the survey online by going to Your Sefton Your Say and looking for the Children and Young People Plan Consultation.

Paper copies of this questionnaire are available in buildings in Sefton.
Libraries in:
• Bootle.
• Crosby.
• Formby.
• Southport.
Town Halls:
• Bootle.
• Crosby.
• The Atkinson in Southport.

If you need any help completing the
questionnaire, please call us or email us.
Phone Call: 0151 934 3733.

At the end of the survey you will be asked if you want to give an email address so that you can receive a copy of your response. You do not have to do this. The email address is only used to send the email to you from Your Sefton Your Say. The email address will not be stored with the responses and Sefton Council will not have access it, unless you have given your email address as part of the survey.